Watch the star studded Premiere of Heer and Hero which was attended by Minissha Lamba, Arya Babbar, Raj Babbar, Gurpreet Ghuggi, Preet Bhullar, Manoj Pahwa and many other celebrities. Director Sagar S Sharma who rose to fame with his directorial debut 'Burrraahh' is back with a romantic comedy - Heer and Hero. Three young men played by Arya Babbar, Gurpreet Ghuggi and Preet Bhullar run away with the to be bride, Heer (Minissha Lamba). Fun filled situations follow when the family members of Heer and a strict cop (Mukul Dev) start searching for Heer across Punjab. The movie released on October 18, 2013.
Watch the star studded Premiere of Heer and Hero which was attended by Minissha Lamba, Arya Babbar, Raj Babbar, Gurpreet Ghuggi, Preet Bhullar, Manoj Pahwa and many other celebrities. Director Sagar S Sharma who rose to fame with his directorial debut 'Burrraahh' is back with a romantic comedy - Heer and Hero. Three young men played by Arya Babbar, Gurpreet Ghuggi and Preet Bhullar run away with the to be bride, Heer (Minissha Lamba). Fun filled situations follow when the family members of Heer and a strict cop (Mukul Dev) start searching for Heer across Punjab. The movie released on October 18, 2013.